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Re: Paint codes on 76 midget

To: akgua!att!CU.NIH.GOV!Dean_Zywicki%NIHDCRT.BITNET,
Subject: Re: Paint codes on 76 midget
Date: Thu, 21 May 92 08:11 EDT
I had an interesting experience with paint codes.  I called
Moss Motors to find out what the code was for a 1961 MGA red.
The guy on the phone said that he could tell me but that I 
really didn't want it. He told me to go find a red that is 
closest to the red in the U.S. flag and then go find a new 
technology paint.  I asked him what red they used for the 
MGA on the front of their catalog

and he said that it is 1972 Ford Pinto Red and that it has won 
awards at several car shows. I finally chose 1991 Corvette
Bright Red #81.  I considered Porsche Guards Red but it is 
too orange and "doesn't match the red in the U.S. flag." Any day
now I'll probably get it back from the painter........

Don Mathis

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