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Re: tricks o' the trade

Subject: Re: tricks o' the trade
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <>
Date: Thu, 28 May 92 19:37:41 -0700
Dear whoever you are (please sign your name next time so I know who I am
writing too pleeeaase)
I would cut the old hoses off. Then derust the piping that the hoses attach to
if needed.  This step because the rust grit could cause leaking.

After derusting (sandpaper to get the worst off followed by anti-rust goo)
I would put some paint where I derusted it (Zinc chromate is good).
After the paint drys, I would apply liqued soap to the mating surfaces of
the hoses & the pipes & slide them on.  Liqued soap is not known (to me) to
cause any long term problems & does a good job of lubercation the sliding
surfaces.  i would also use a twisting motion while pushing the hoses on.

If that doesn't work, you can send the car to me & I'll do it for you then
test everything out for you.  You could have the car back in say 10 to 20
years.... maybe ;*)


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