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Re: SOL Merchandise

To: "Iain (I.) Woolf" <>
Subject: Re: SOL Merchandise
From: (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1993 10:17:59 -0700
On Aug 20, 10:47am, "Iain (I.) Woolf" wrote:
> (And what is the design on all this sol
> merchandise everyone is going on about?)

I'm somewhat responsible for it.  The design, however, was created by Ed
Devinney.  From Ed:

> What does the SOL logo look like?  Well, it looks, well, like nothing else,
> except perhaps the Union Jack with some tools & car parts on it.
> No, scratch that.  Fade in "Rule, Britannia" and imagine my voice, only
> deeper and with better inflection:
>       "The SOL logo is an awe-inspiring figure of a crossed spanner and
>       connecting rod, rendered in rich carbon black, superimposed over
>       the ominous initials of our disorganization S O L, themselves
>       drawn in British Racing Green.  These devices are in turn placed
>       atop the flag of the Great Britain."
> It's tremendous, if I do say so myself.

Over the past couple of months I have put together a group order based on this
logo, which is just now resulting in merchandise trickling out to members of
this list all over the world.  To order something at this time, you will need
to contact Image Graphics directly to place your order.  (An order form is
attached at the end of this message.)  They may or may not give you the
pricing listed here, and they may or may not require a $25 minimum order (then
again, they may - we have collectively ordered over $1,500.00 worth of stuff
so far!):
                Image Graphics, Inc.
                201 South Three Notch Street,
                Andalusia, Alabama  36420
                1 205 222 4166
                1 205 222 1010
                1 205 222 6586 FAX/BBS

Contact name is Paul Spears.

Here is the original offer I sent out:

> Descriptions of the merchandise:
>     T-shirts, sweatshirts, and polo shirts are available in 50/50 cotton/
> poly blend or a synthetic product called "UltraCool".  This last type is an
> athletic-shirt type of material that wicks moisture away from your body and
> therefore is "cooler" to wear.  T-shirts are also available in 100% cotton.
> "UltraCool" and 100% cotton items should be ordered 1 size larger than you
> would normally need.  (The cotton shrinks, the "UltraCool" items run on the
> small side, according to Paul Spears @ Image Graphics.)
>     All items are available in white.  Caps can also be ordered with a white
> "front" for the logo, and a black, navy blue, red, or maroon body.  (No BRG.
> Sorry!)  Satin jackets and polo shirts are also available in a silver color.
> (The silver polo shirts may require an additional week or 2 of lead time.)
>     The logos will be sized as large as possible on the front of t-shirts
> and sweatshirts and on the back of the jackets.  For the polo shirts the
> logo will be in the breast pocket area roughly 3 1/2" W x 2 1/2" H (9 cm W
> x 6.4 cm H).  There will also be an option to have a breast pocket sized
> logo on the front of the jacket and the t-shirt, and (for an additional
> $5.00) a breast pocket logo on the front and a full sized logo on the back
> of t-shirts and jackets.  The logo on the mugs and steins will also be
> roughly 3 1/2" W x 2 1/2" H (9 cm W x 6.4 cm H).  The logo on the mouse pads
> will be, well, mouse pad size! (10.25" W x 8.1" H)
> So the new list including updated prices is:
>       Heavyweight T-shirts     $11.66         Sweatshirts     $16.16
>       Polo Shirts              $16.16         Satin Jackets   $35.96
>       Caps                     $ 6.75         Mouse Pads      $11.66
>       Ceramic Mugs             $ 6.75         Ceramic Steins  $11.66

   Pat Vilbrandt      Fluke Corporation      Everett, Washington USA
   pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv

                              T - S H I R T S
Specify "U" for UltraCool, "50" for 50/50, or "C" for 100% Cotton in "Fabric"
____________________________                          _______________________
|  Filename   |  Filename  |__________________________|Total  Price         |
|(Front Print)|(Back Print)|Fabric| S | M |LG |XL |XXL| pcs X each  = TOTAL |
| SOL8x10a.cdr|------------|      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$11.66 =       |
|  SOL3x4a.cdr|------------|      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$11.66 =       |
|  SOL3x4a.cdr|SOL8x10a.cdr|      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$16.66 =       |

                         S W E A T  -  S H I R T S
Specify "U" for UltraCool or "50" for 50/50 in "Fabric" below.
____________________________                          _______________________
|  Filename   |  Filename  |__________________________|Total  Price         |
|(Front Print)|(Back Print)|Fabric| S | M |LG |XL |XXL| pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL8x10a.cdr|------------|      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$16.16 =       |

                           P O L O  -  S H I R T S
Specify "U" for UltraCool or "50" for 50/50 in "Fabric" below.
Polo shirts available in (W)hite or (S)ilver
_______________                                _______________________
|  Filename   |________________________________|Total  Price         |
|(Front Print)|Color|Fabric| S | M |LG |XL |XXL| pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |     |      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$16.16 =       |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |     |      |   |   |   |   |   |     @$16.16 =       |

                         S A T I N  -  J A C K E T S
Specify "U" for UltraCool or "50" for 50/50 in "Fabric" below.
Satin jackets available in (W)hite or (S)ilver
___________________________                           ______________________
|  Filename   |  Filename  |_________________________|Total  Price         |
|(Front Print)|(Back Print)|Color| S | M |LG |XL |XXL| pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| ----------- |SOL8x10a.cdr|     |   |   |   |   |   |     @$35.96 =       |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |------------|     |   |   |   |   |   |     @$35.96 =       |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |SOL8x10a.cdr|     |   |   |   |   |   |     @$40.96 =       |

                             C A P S
Caps available in (Wht)/wht, (Blk)/wht, (Navy)/wht, (Red)/wht, & (Mar)oon/wht
_______________      _______________________
|  Filename   |______|Total  Price         |
|             |Color | pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |    /W|     @ $6.75 =       |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |    /W|     @ $6.75 =       |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |    /W|     @ $6.75 =       |

                M O U S E   P A D S
|  Filename   |Total  Price         |
|             | pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL8x10a.cdr|     @$11.66 =       |

          C E R A M I C   M U G S
|  Filename   |Total  Price         |
|             | pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |     @ $6.75 =       |

        C E R A M I C   S T E I N S
|  Filename   |Total  Price         |
|             | pcs  X each = TOTAL |
| SOL3x4a.cdr |     @$11.66 =       |
|             Terms and Conditions                  |                        |
|                                                   |   Sub-Total: $_________|
| All orders must include payment via check, m.o.,  |                        |
| or credit card to include S&H as outlined below.  |         S&H: $_________|
|      Prices quoted in U.S. dollars.               |                        |
|                                                   | Grand Total: $_________|
|                                                                            |
|        UPS GROUND (Standard)        |                                      |
| Purchase of up to $50.00 Add  $5.00 | Name:________________________________|
|        $50.01 to $100.00 Add $10.00 |                                      |
|       $100.01 to $200.00 Add $15.00 | Ship to:_____________________________|
|       $200.01 to $500.00 Add $20.00 |                                      |
+-------------------------------------+ _____________________________________|
|        UPS BLUE (2-Day Air)         |                                      |
| Purchase of up to $50.00 Add $10.00 | _____________________________________|
|        $50.01 to $100.00 Add $20.00 |                                      |
|       $100.01 to $200.00 Add $25.00 | _____________________________________|
|       $200.01 to $500.00 Add $30.00 |                                      |
+-------------------------------------+ Phone:_______________________________|
|        UPS RED  (1-Day Air)         |                                      |
| Purchase of up to $50.00 Add $20.00 |  __ UPS GRD  __ UPS BLUE  __ UPS RED |
|        $50.01 to $100.00 Add $30.00 |      __ FEDEX        __ USPS         |
|       $100.01 to $200.00 Add $35.00 |        __ Check    __ Money Order    |
|       $200.01 to $500.00 Add $40.00 |  __ VISA   __ MC   __ DISC  __ AMEX  |
+-------------------------------------+                                      |
|  Most orders shipped within 24-48   | Card #_______________________________|
| hrs. of receipt.  Federal Express & |                           Exp.   /   |
| Airborne Express delivery available | Name on card:                        |
|  International shipping available   |                                      |

--- End of forwarded message from "Pat Vilbrandt" <>

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