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Re: Al-You-Minnie-Um

Subject: Re: Al-You-Minnie-Um
From: golder@titan.ppd.Kodak.COM (Patrick Golder)
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 94 14:36:24 EDT

The older Jaguar sixes are iron blocks with aluminum heads too.
I typically don't flush mine anymore, just change the fluid every
year or 2.  I believe I used some kind of powdered 2-part flush stuff 
when I first bought it, but that's too long ago to remember.  Doesn't
the owner's manual or service manual tell you how (or how not) to
do this?

BTW, I've seen arguments for & against using distilled water in
engines made of dissimilar metals.  The argument for is that is
isolates the metals, thereby preventing corrosion.  The argument against 
is that it actually promotes ion transfer from 1 metal to another because
the water is more purt (or something along those lines).  I don't
know which argument is correct.  Maybe one of the chemists on the
list can elaborate on this.  Of course, that would probably
start another "what's the effect of an extension on a torque wrench" 
war (oops ... I mean discussion).  FWIW, I've always just used tap
water, and years later, my Jag still doesn't overheat.


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