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reply to b-c-request?

To: (SOL as always)
Subject: reply to b-c-request?
From: Jody Levine <jody.p.levine@HYDRO.ON.CA>
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 1994 13:59:44 -0400
OK, now, examine this header closely

>From! Thu Jun  9 
>12:50:31 1994
>Message-Id: <>
>Date:  Thu, 9 Jun 1994 11:07:00 -0400
>To: a126@Lehigh.EDU, (Scott Fisher),
>Original-To: a126@Lehigh.EDU,
>    akgua!att!!british-cars-request (Scott Fisher),
>Subject: Re: help

There is a "From triumph...." line and a "From: tdm@...." line

>Mark, is there ANY way to change this back so that those of us,me,
>who are computer disadvantaged can just type "Reply" and reply????

B-C mail shows up in *my* mailbox as being from the original sender, and
when I hit reply, it replies to the original sender. In other words,
I don't know what all the fuss is about! I asked Mark why I'm *not*
having this problem, and he didn't reply. I assume that my mailer is
able to pick the right from line, but I don't know why.

Here's a test, though. I added a "Reply-to: to the header of this message
(or, at least, I'll tell my mailer to when I'm done editing). Try
replying to me. If it tries to send the message to me and not to 
b-c-request, maybe we should all add "Reply-to:" lines to our messages.

Jody "I'm in high voltage so these computer things are not my fault" Levine - Toronto - '80 TR7 under cover

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