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LBC Law?

Subject: LBC Law?
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 1994 08:54:46 PDT
Dave Chu asks:
<Is there a LBC law of direct proportion which states that whatever 
one fixes on ones LBC, something of equal or more importance will 
stop working to preserve the cosmic balance?>

I don't think so, and surely hope not, but I do believe there is some 
truth here when dealers are involved (not restricted to lbc's though...)  
Take a vehicle in for service to A; get vehicle back with A fixed but B 
becomes a problem almost immediately.  Take it in for service to B 
and C acts up, etc....

Anyone else ever have this experience?

George Haynes
1965 TR4A, BRG, IRS, Surrey Top, Overdrive
1956 MGA, Dove Grey, live axle, soft top, Overdrive

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