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Spitfire Neophyte

Subject: Spitfire Neophyte
From: "R. Heyman" <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 1994 17:55:16 -0400 (EDT)
<g>  No flames please to this British car newbie.  I picked up a 1980
Spitfire this spring in excellent condition, and it's been a joy driving 
it through the hills of Maryland and Northern Virginia.  With the 
exception of a few minor repairs (new accelerator cable, hoses etc.), 
I've had no real problems except:

1.  There is, what seems to be, a unusual amount of heat generated from 
the engine compartment, felt by the ocuupants of the cockpit: both driver 
and passenger.  Is this a Spitfire specialty?  If so (or not).. can 
someone reccommend a method of reducing this heat flow.  It does make the 
car a bit unbearable on hot summer days (though I suspect it will be 
somewhat welcome in October).

2.  I discovered that the exhaust manifold has a slight fissure... I, and 
my mechanic have been unable to locate a replacement.  Bristish Victoria, 
for instance, shows the part as part of the exhaust assembly but does not 
label or sell it.  Can anyone point me towards a likely source?

3.  I am going to replace the top.  I've seen prices for the original 
(and OEM).. vinyl (leatherette) at approx $US 300 and for a 'cloth' top 
at approx $US 500.  Question:  Is the cloth top 'worth' it?  I imagine 
that it is more attractive than the vinyl..  but I wonder about 
durability.  Any opinions will be welcome.



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