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RE: Motor shipping

To: "'Mike Rambour'" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Motor shipping
From: "Gene Gillam" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 15:24:13 -0500

I just had two (2) MG T-series XPAG blocks shipped to me via UPS - the
blocks came from two different people - and they (UPS) dropped and
cracked both blocks in the bellhousing area.  

UPS will insure the blocks and if they determine that it was their fault
they will pay the insurance money BUT THEY keep the block/engine - they
won't pay for repairs.  If they determine it was poorly packaged (and
they'll do their best to prove that) - they won't pay anything.  If you
ship it via UPS make sure it's either crated or at the least double

Gene Gillam
Saucier, MS

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