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Re: Opening him up

Subject: Re: Opening him up
From: Mark <>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 19:27:24 -0600 wrote:
> my 67.5  2liter with su's would run 100 mph in 3rd gear at 7100rpm's,and
> thats the truth.harry homer.

My 69 2L with Webers (and the Solex induction and cam) would do 110 (by the 
speedo) in 3rd @ 6500 rpm.  2nd gear tracked the tach 1 to 1 (sort of)  45 mph 
was 4500 rpm, 35 mph was 3500 rpm, etc.  I must have had taller gears than 
most.  Still, it wasn't hard to hit that top end in 3rd.
Mark van der Hoek

     From bondage to spiritual faith
     From spiritual faith to courage
     From courage to freedom
     From freedom to abundance
     From abundance to selfishness
     From selfishness to complacency
     From complacency to apathy
     From apathy to fear
     From fear to dependency
     From dependency to bondage

             Ezra Taft Benson

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