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Re: opinions being solicited, mirrors

Subject: Re: opinions being solicited, mirrors
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 10:07:57 -0800

Fergus' question about mirrors brings up some questions of my own. I also 
have some ridiculous mirror on my driver door that is about 5 inces wide and 
REALLY ugly. I think the PO put it on because of the need to clear the 
window wing so you can actually use it.

I have seen both door-mounted and fender-mounted mirrors. I am partial to 
going with fender-mounted mirrors when I restore. I think it looks better. I 
will have to get used to looking through the windshield when I am checking 
mirrors, but I can live with that.

As far as correctness, I believe there aren't many "correct" mirrors left. 
If I remember, Fergus is right when he says that the later high windhshield 
cars had different shapes to their mirrors with the square one on the 
passenger side.

For myself, I like the standard looking oval mirrors with the "swept back" 
look to them.


Andrew Murphy

P.S. The meet is on Sunday the 17th, not Saturday! 11:00 am!

From: "Ofarrell, Fergus" <>
To: "'andrew murphy (socalroc)'" <>,        "'roman 
rist(roadster)'" <>,        "'Victor Laury'"  
Subject: opinions being solicited, mirrors

Okay Gents,  (Roman, let me know if I am sending this to your business vs.
roadster address, so I can change it if necessary)
I need to replce my outside mirrors, due to the fact that those Baby Tornado
black things on my car are
A: too small (dangerous) and
B: not very timely as far as the 60's era.
So, I checked around the local Pick-a-parts and the Pomona Swap Meet, but
everything I saw was for American Iron, so minimum it was 4+" diameter,
which seems kinda big to me.  The 510 sites show pictures of a bmw 320i
mirror, but when I saw these in the junkyards, they are kind of a "big flag"
and go better with the squared off looks of a 510.  I was looking around for
options and found something in an English car magazine.
Sounds crazy to import, except my girlfriend and I are traveling to Ireland
for Xmas, so I could have them shipped to her relatives and bring 'em back

I am leaning towards the 'chrome on brass racing mirror, convex glass' at
the following website, go into the Shop section, Mirrors,, blah, blah, blah.

your input/opinion is appreciated.

90 mm diameter is 3.6". (a mm is .040")
36 English pounds per pair of mirrors is ~45 dollars.  New ones were 40 a
piece at Pomona, and they were all cowl clamp-on type, 50's era.
I know the rectangular shape is correct for the 69, but round ones look more
'60's to me.  This company has rectangles as well, but the dimensions are of
a rectangle that must include the stalk, as it is way too huge for just the
lens when you draw it out.
I have not yet checked to see how many holes there are in my doors, so this
may be a deciding factor.

thanks guys,  see ya Saturday?


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