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RE: Are all bix six clutch masters the same?

To: "Brashear, Jack, N" <JNBrashear@garverengineers.com>,
Subject: RE: Are all bix six clutch masters the same?
From: Dean Caccavo <healeybn7@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Nov 2004 13:52:54 -0800 (PST)
Jack - 

Thank you for your help.  

I don't really know which lever is installed, but
based on your description, I suspect that it is the
one from the PU truck.  If anything the lever looks
like it is a little too long, causing the slave to
push and not get much in return motion.  

Maybe you can help me with this as I don't see how
changing the length of the pushrod (+ or -1/4 inch)
will have much effect on the overall throw of the
lever, unless the slave if fully extended, which it is
not.  I can try a longer lever, but it seems that the
clutch cover will push back the lever/rod that much
further into the slave - resulting in the same amount
of movement (not enough), only from a slightly
different piston position...

If the slave moves say, "1 inch" seems that it needs
to move 1 1/2 inches to fully disengage the clutch. 
Only way I can see to move it farther is to pump more
fluid through it. Another thought is that my slave is
not moving far enough to start with - any ideas on how
far a stock BN7 slave should move?

thanks again

Dean BN7

--- "Brashear, Jack, N"
<JNBrashear@garverengineers.com> wrote:

> Hi Dean, which release lever does your Toy Trans
> have??  Not all release
> levers were the same.  My first installation used
> the Supra lever.  The
> dimple for the push rod was a bit offset from the
> centerline of the AH
> slave cylinder thus making the pushrod angle a bit
> to seat.  Later, I
> installed a release lever from a Toy PU truck which
> was just enough
> longer so that the slave centerline was looking
> straight on at the
> dimple.  The distance from the fulcrum pivot to the
> release bearing was
> the same for both levers.   The Smitty-supplied push
> rod worked
> perfectly then.  
> Jack 
> -----Original Message-----
> From

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