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Re: Abingdon

Subject: Re: Abingdon
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 07:36:02 -0400 (EDT)
Bernie,  there are buildings still standing from the factory.  I was last there 
in 1994. The MGCC headquaters is on Cemetery Lane next to the old factory 
block and Kimber's office. (I've been in the office). The car club has a flyer 
with sites to see in Abingdon. My favorites are Boundry House, now a pub but 
once Kimber's home (look for the plaque near the entrance the NEMGT Register 
placed there in 1990) and the Magic Midget pub. Other sites are on the map.

Please note that you have to be an MG nut to want to see these places and 
have a knowledge of MG history. Many people visiting Abingdon have had the good 
fortune to meet by chance a retired factory worker, which can be the greatest 
experience of all.

If you meet someone, you might then find out that there is no debate by those 
who know..the G in mowog is for MG.

Mike Leckstein

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