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Re: MG vs. Triumph

Subject: Re: MG vs. Triumph
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 03:05:37 -0500
In a message dated 97-01-03 02:27:25 EST, (Carol) writes:
>  Those V*lksw*g*ns are tough little cookies, aren't they?! I must confess,
>  have a 1969 Beetle. That little sucker just runs and runs and runs. If the
>  battery is low, I put on tennies (carry the "good shoes") and roll her
>  the street a bit, hop in, pop 2nd gear, and off we go! I was going to sell
>  her, but just don't have the heart to do so. 
>  She needs a bit of body work and a new paint job, but her soul is in tact!

>  So, can ~I~ help it if the little bugger wants an MGA for a stablemate??!
>  ;-)   After all, one of my dogs has her own kitty....!!!
>  Carol

Hmm, Carol you hit the nail on the head.  It was a  V*lksw*g*n, in fact a
1969.  Got me through school, and then a few more years.  I think I had it
for about 12 years.  I took it to Minnesota when I was transfered there.
 When my daughter was born we sold it.  We figured if we had to scrape the
ice off the inside of the windshield that the heat wasn't adequate for our
new baby!

'nuff about V*lksw*g*ns, we're likely to be SHOUTED at, mums the word.  This
was a confidential e-mail, wasn't it?

No more V*lksw*g*ns
1969 MGB roadster
1987 Jaguar XJ6
and other assorted cars

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