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Re: Brake fluid

To: "Richard D. Arnold" <>
Subject: Re: Brake fluid
From: "John J. Peloquin" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 07:44:33 -0700 (PDT)
Dear Rich

On Wed, 17 Sep 1997, Richard D. Arnold wrote:

=%OOn Tuesday, 16 September 1997, at 08:41 John J. Peloquin wrote:
=%O>Dear Richard,
=%OSuch formality -- please, call me Rich....

=%OMy error was in calling the smaller size a pint, when it was actually a
=%Ohalf-pint or 8 oz. size.  I blame my third grade teacher, who insisted on
=%Ocalling those little cardboard containers of milk a pint when they were
=%Oactually a half-pint.

Hmmm, we used to get milk in those little cartons when I was in 1rst grade
too. I forget exactly what the teachers (actually Nuns for me) called
them. I don't think they ever referred to the volume while passing them

  Incidentally, she used cats to clean chalkboards.
=%O>Even I, a simple Youper...
=%ONow that explains it -- there you were, close to Iowa (God's country and
=%Othe center of the universe), and you ended up moving to Iowa's west
=%Ocoast.  ; ) 

Yeah, I would rather be in Iowa than out here too. 

 Say, wasn't UCI the site of the US Supreme Court _Bakke_

I don't know- I thought it was UCSF?

=%OMy concern with water in the system is more along the line of worrying
=%Oabout it 'boiling' and introducing air in the system, than with causing
=%Ocorrosion.  I do, however, purge my system every two years, and bleed it
=%Opre and post storage to avoid allowing water to sit at any low point.

Oh- I knew that! ;)

That is certainly a greater concern than mere corrosion! Thanks for
reminding me about that primary hazard!


=%ORich Arnold
=%OCouncil Bluffs, Iowa, USA
=%O"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

"Never ascribe to Malice that which can be explained by Ignorance"

John J. Peloquin
Molecular Biology &
3205 BioSciences II
Irvine, CA 92697-3900

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