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Re: What is the stock tire size for a '71 B?

Subject: Re: What is the stock tire size for a '71 B?
From: (Rick Morrison)
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 1998 16:37:46 EST
On Tue, 3 Feb 98 23:42:57 EST Sean Bartnik <> writes:
>> BTW, does anyone know of any good reference material on tires? I'm 
>> ignorant in this area, especially on how to interpret the size 
>numbers. Maybe
>> a web site?
>I can help with the basics.
>Lets start with P185/75R14
>The P stands for passenger car rated.  Light truck tires are, you
>guessed it LT
>The 185 is the tread width in millimeters.
 Sorry Sean,
 This is the maximum cross section in Millimeters, not tread width.
 The variation in tread width on a given size tire can vary as much as
10-15 mm, depending on the manufacturer, as well as within a single
manufacturers various tire styles.
  Case in point - I once made the mistake of putting a set of Pirelli
P-44's on my Midget, size 175/70 R 13. The tread was nearly all of 175
mm. it was literally as wide as the sidewall. I not too much later
replaced them with Pirelli P-6's in the same size. (The p-44 was a
terrible handling tire, but that's another story). The P-6 tread was only
about 160-165 mm wide. You could literally see the difference in the
tread width, even without a side-by-side comparison.
 For the detail oreinted, the nominal cross section of a tire is only
valid for one specific rim width, that which was used for design
purposes. For each 1/2" difference in rim width, the cross section will
change by about 0.2" (10mm). 
  Just to keep things confusing.
Rick Morrison
74 Midget

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