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RE: tach question

To: Erich <erich@mail.NGBM.COM>
Subject: RE: tach question
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 10:25:04 -0700

        Getting back to your original question, before it got kinda off

        The Tach in my lady's 80 MGB did the same thing as yours.  From
Lawrie's comment it looks like it is typical of that design.  I do not have
an answer as to why it occurs.   One possibility is stickyness at the "off"
position, holding the needle until it joggs loose.  The incorrect reading
are also probably due to old lubricant gooing up the mechanism.  There are a
number of specialists that can refurb. the unit, or it can be done carefully
by a DIY er.

        A good question, any one else have thoughts?

        The thumping sound from the rear could very well be driveshaft
u-joints.  Definitely get under there and check them NOW!  Driveshafts tend
to be very neglected and can fail dramatically.  

        Also check the shock links, these can break causing thumping and
poor handling.

      While you are down there check the brake lines along the rear axle to
make sure they have not been crimped sometime in the past by towing, this is
common and something to check on a recently purchased vehicle.

        As for the wife,  I'm not the one to answer.  My ex got possesion of
my 70 MGB in the divorce, you are fair warned.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erich [mailto:erich@mail.NGBM.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, September 02, 1999 4:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: tach question
> Hello all, 
>   I have been having some trouble with the tach on my '80 B.  When I 
> first start the car, the tach sits on zero.  After tapping 
> the throttle 
> a few times it will jump up, sometimes to 2,500 and other 
> times to about 
> 1,000-1,300(engine obviously running faster).  This is when 
> the car is 
> still cold and the auto-choke is kicking in. The tach seems to read 
> normaly after a few minutes on the road(except at idle when it reads 
> somewhere btwn 200 and 400), but I may be mistaken. 
> Could this be the cable going?
> Another problem that I have begun to notice is a slight 
> thumping sound 
> in the rear when I shift gears or let off of the throttle.  Also a 
> slight rubbing sound from the rear when crusing.
> I am new to lbc ownership and an still learning my way aroud 
> them. Any 
> help would be much appreciated.
> Erich  -recient transplant to Greenville, NC 
> P.S.- I do have one more slight problem.  My wife drove the B for the 
> first time a few days ago, and does not want to give it back. Anybody 
> have a suggestion, or should start looking for another lbc? Something 
> like a nice 

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