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tach question

To: <>
Subject: tach question
From: "Erich" <erich@mail.NGBM.COM>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 19:47:53 -0400
Hello all, 

  I have been having some trouble with the tach on my '80 B.  When I 
first start the car, the tach sits on zero.  After tapping the throttle 
a few times it will jump up, sometimes to 2,500 and other times to about 
1,000-1,300(engine obviously running faster).  This is when the car is 
still cold and the auto-choke is kicking in. The tach seems to read 
normaly after a few minutes on the road(except at idle when it reads 
somewhere btwn 200 and 400), but I may be mistaken. 

Could this be the cable going?

Another problem that I have begun to notice is a slight thumping sound 
in the rear when I shift gears or let off of the throttle.  Also a 
slight rubbing sound from the rear when crusing.

I am new to lbc ownership and an still learning my way aroud them. Any 
help would be much appreciated.

Erich  -recient transplant to Greenville, NC 

P.S.- I do have one more slight problem.  My wife drove the B for the 
first time a few days ago, and does not want to give it back. Anybody 
have a suggestion, or should start looking for another lbc? Something 
like a nice 

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