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Re: Speed Kills (No LBC content)

To: Larry Hoy <>
Subject: Re: Speed Kills (No LBC content)
From: Kevin & Deana Brown <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2000 20:19:50 -0600

That was what I always thought until I walked out of a store onlt to find cops 
all around my car (a 96 Z28 30th anniversary editon
(white with orange stripes).  They issued me a ticket for 115 in a 70.  
Apparently a similar car outran them and a local police
officer spotted mine in a parking lot and radiod them.  Two different highway 
patrol officers swore it was me (even though they met
the other car at a spot where the interstate lanes are 50 yards apart).  The 
procecuter wouldn't even discuss it with me until I
hired a lawer - then their proposed plee bargain was a $500 fine and five days 
in the county jail (I found out that they really want
to put you in jail in my county if you are driving over 100 mph) after about a 
year and 5 court appearances (changing to a more
sympathetic judge etc.) I lost after both cops said it had to be me.  But I 
don't think that the judge totally believed them because
after the prosecuter proposed a $500 fine and 10 days in jail and my lawer said 
we would take the fine but how about community
service instead of the jail time, the judge came back and fined me $300 with no 
jail time or community service - I was happier than
heck by that time.  Needless to say I have now changed cars I am driving a four 
door supercharged Grand Prix - almost as fast as the
Camaro but it doesn't look it.  Once I get the MGB V8 running I will have to 
watch it, but again it won't look to fast.  I've decided
that the stealthy look is for me.

Kevn Brown  '78 MGB V8  '54 MGTF 1500 RHD, '66 MGB  '71 MGB
Odessa, MO

watch out driving I 70 through Laffayette County, MO

Larry Hoy wrote:

> Rick, if the Patolman ever lost visual contact with you between the time he 
>said you were speeding and the time he stopped you he
> can't testify that it was YOU that was speeding.
> Larry Hoy
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: []On
> >Behalf Of Rick Ehlert
> >Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 8:16 AM
> >To: Alpines; MG List
> >Subject: Speed Kills (No LBC content)
> >
> >
> >Boy, do I have a sob story for you guys!!  Thanksgiving morning my family
> >and I were traveling from Milwaukee to outside of Grand Rapids, MI. to visit
> >my parents.  The trip was going fine, even with the family dog taking his
> >first major car ride, when, just into Indiana (East on 80-90,94)  I was
> >going with the flow of traffic (read: fast!!!)  I came upon a slower car in
> >the 2nd from left lane (the lane I was also in.)  It was a tinted out black
> >Z-28 with an extra antenna.  I instantly thought, "why would this tinted out
> >kid's car be going so slow, when the rest of the left two lanes was
> >screaming along at 80 mph?  So, I slowed up behind him and stayed there.  He
> >promptly touched his brakes, I shut off the cruise control.  He touched his
> >brakes again, I touched mine.  My wife asked what I was doing.  I replied
> >that ahead of us was a Indiana State trooper, and he could nail someone in
> >the continuos stream of fast left lane traffic, but he wasn't going to get
> >me.  He finally pulled out into the left lane, sped up with traffic (80 mph)
> >and left me sitting there with the cruise now reset on 70 mph.  A couple of
> >miles later, I saw him pulled over on the left shoulder all alone...just
> >sitting there.   I didn't think anything more of him, as I was still set at
> >70 mph.  About 5 minutes later, he came weaving up through traffic, pulled
> >in behind me, and hit his lights.  (And promptly issued me a citation for 85
> >in a 55mph!!!!)  We were pulled over into the 65mph zone, but earlier when I
> >first encountered him, we were in the 55 mph zone.  I was stunned as I was
> >certainly not the fastest car on the road, I was simply going with the flow
> >(as to not get RUN OVER) as I have almost been with my Sunbeam and MGB
> >driving through that area.  And to top it all off,  because the ticket was
> >written for 29 OVER!!!, I have to appear in court the week of Christmas!
> >Being such a cronic offender, this my third ticket in the last 11 years, I
> >need some advice?  Looks like I'm going back to Indiana!!
> >
> >Just payin' another tax to drive the road,
> >Rick Ehlert
> >Milwaukee, Wi.

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