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Re: MGB Winter/Choke Question

To: Bulwinkle <>, MG List <>
Subject: Re: MGB Winter/Choke Question
From: "Larry B. Macy" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 22:07:09 -0500
On the same, note albeit in a bit of a different BC.

When the Lotus Esprit first came out, what ~20 years ago, I was working in a
dealership that sold them (the owner had an original 7). The Esprit had a
manual choke. The main Lotus mechanic there took the very first example out
for a drive after setting all the tuning (we were over a mile in altitude
and some adjustment had to be made) The damn thing caught on fire. Why you
might ask? 

Well since you did ask, I will tell you.

The extra gas from the choke being on (who knew - the freaking thing was
AWESOME) over heated the cat (he he he) and the cherry red cat caught the
fiberglass panels on fire. So if there was enough gas getting to the cat to
overheat the thing, what the HELL is going on in the cylinder? Don't gas
wash oil away??


We got another Esprit a few weeks later and had a blast, I think the owner
of the dealership it bought because he couldn't sell a car with over 1000
miles as new ;-) What is they say "young dumb, and full of ...... ?? No I
think he just wanted it!!!!!!

BTW why does Lotus name all of their cars with a word that starts with "E"??

On 2/20/01 5:00 PM, "Bulwinkle" <> wrote:

> Bob:
> <<<snip>>>
> My MGB needs full choke to start in this frosty weather, but I
> push the choke in completely as soon as I get out of the
> driveway.  The engine will stumble a little as I drive 1/4 mile
> to a stopsign but it keeps running.  At the stopsign I pull out
> 1/4 choke to be sure that it won't stall in the intersection.
> Once the car is moving, I push the choke in again and am done
> with it for the duration of this drive.
> <<<snip>>>
> This is a very good proceedure, and one which I use all the
> time.  It accomplishes at least two things:
> 1) It reduces the amount of fuel coming in so there is less
> washing of oil of the cylinder walls due to liquid fuel.
> 2) It reduces warm up time.
> It works very well as long as you keep the RPMs up a bit.
> Blake

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a question
and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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