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Re: Oil Pressure Transmitter

To: MG List <>
Subject: Re: Oil Pressure Transmitter
From: Max Heim <>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2001 12:11:27 -0700
Oh boy... and I thought I had a mess when I dumped 4 quarts on the driveway
due to misalignment of the screw-on oil filter converter. 6 quarts in the
engine compartment of a 308 -- ugh. Not your best access in there for clean
up, I imagine.

on 5/2/01 11:50 AM, R. O. Lindsay at wrote:

> Also, I am a bit over sensitive regarding oil pressure as I
> have recently had oil filter problems with my 308GTB.  The
> Ferrari supported supplier of oil filters for the 308 is a
> company called UFI.  Recently, the UFI company made a run
> of filters and supplied them with a defective sealing O-ring.
> Actually it is a D-ring but close enough.  The rubber used in
> the seal was WAY too soft and deformed under pressure
> allowing hot oil to flow past the ring.  In the 308, when the
> seal is broken, the pressure sensor tells the oil pumps to go
> full flow!  The result is a massive oil blow.  Twice in one day,
> I blew 6 quarts of Mobil1 oil into the engine compartment in
> 10 seconds at 100psi!  Fortunately, both times I got the
> engine shut down safely in time to avoid damage.  Also, the
> flash point of synthetic oil is higher than that of dino-oil and
> even though the headers were glowing hot, the oil did not
> catch fire.  Massive good luck there.  I now use Baldwin racing
> filters on the 308.
> rick


Max Heim
'66 MGB GHN3L76149
If you're near Mountain View, CA,
it's the red one with the silver bootlid.

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