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Re: Drive way cleaning and Sprite content.

To: derf <derf247@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Drive way cleaning and Sprite content.
From: b-evans@earthlink.net
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2007 17:11:45 -0800
derf wrote:  "And don't throw a chunk of Sodium into a toilet..."

The university chemistry department had been cited several times by 
Cal-OSHA after accidents had injured and disfigured students.  So, the 
university vice president and the university safety officer were going 
to make a "surprise" inspection.  Unfortunately, they told my boss, the 
dean, about the inspection the day before.  Since he was a chemist, he 
gave all of the faculty a warning.  So much for "surprise".

One of the Chemistry Department full professors (who also happened to 
head the department safety committee) hurriedly  tried to clean up his 
lab.  In doing so, he dumped some sodium metal down the drain.  You got 
it!  It blew up the lab, and almost him with it.  Of course it was 
hushed up, his lab was sealed off, and the inspection team told the lab 
was not in use.  ("Sodium" or plain old table salt, is quite different 
from "sodium metal".)

Even the chemistry profession has recognized that university faculty 
labs are the unsafest and most dangerous labs in the profession.  More 
so than high school, because they don't have chemistry PhD's in them 
(according to the publication "Chemical Engineering").

Buster Evans

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