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RE: Air Cleaner Question

To: Chris Richards <cjr7@axe.humboldt.edu>, NamasteRH@aol.com
Subject: RE: Air Cleaner Question
From: Dave McDermott <mcdermott_d@WIZARD.COLORADO.EDU>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 10:25:40 -0600
        The Mk IIs also came with a two barrel carb. 

At 05:28 PM 4/16/96 -0700, Chris Richards wrote:
>Your 64 Tiger would have come with a 5-bolt blocked 2-barrel engine.  As 
>far as I know (Norm, where are you?), all but the Mk-2's came with 
>two-barrel carbs.  Good luck finding an original air cleaner.  Check out 
>any of the early literature and you'll see a picture of it.
>On Tue, 16 Apr 1996 NamasteRH@aol.com wrote:
>> Hi All:
>> When I bought my Tiger it had a Holley 4-barrel on it.  Despite that carb's
>> usefulness, I am one of those "Gee, I'd like an all-original Tiger" kind of
>> guys.  Not an easy thing for someone who has never seen an original example
>> of the species (not unlike that first Star Trek episode, "The Cage", where
>> the aliens didn't know what a human was supposed to look like as they were
>> rebuilding one).  Therefore, I need to know, "What the heck does a Tiger air
>> cleaner look like?" (dimensions, bolt configuration, color, markings, etc.).
>>  I know they are rare, but if someone offers to sell me one I would like to
>> be sure that I am getting what I need.
>> Also, is anyone actually running on the original carb/manifold setup?
>>  EVERYONE on the list seems to talk about mods, so I am left wondering
>> whether my efforts toward originality are a waste of time.  If you ARE using
>> the original setup, how is it?  Just "OK" or "perfectly satisfactory"?
>>  Inquiring minds want to know.
>> Thanks.
>> Rick Hoefle (1964 Tiger B9470508)

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