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Re: Driving Caps/Hats

To: nicholsj@oakwood.org
Subject: Re: Driving Caps/Hats
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 1997 18:48:17 +0100
nicholsj@oakwood.org wrote:
>      The only hat I know of that has a chin stap is usually seen on
>      Sherlock Holmes.  It's called a 'deer stalker' and has ear flaps that
>      tie down over your ears with the strap under your chin.  You are sure
>      to attract attention with this hat on and driving your Tiger.
>      Jeff
> ______________________________ Reply Separator 
> Subject: Driving Caps/Hats
> Author:  William Goebner <wgoebner@pacbell.net> at INTERNET
> Date:    6/16/97 12:18 PM
> Are there any caps or hats available that look presentable, especially
> to the sports car community?
> Bill Goebner - Woodside, CA - B9470807

I purchased Australian "style" "Slouch" hats. They are neat in looks,
the left side snaps up against the side of the hat. Looks great, and
 "semi" English. Bought one in a khaki original look material at
for $30,and another, in straw, at Thrifty Drug for $5. Both have leather
chin straps with a sliding ball. Won't come of at eighty (with a
windshield on).

Tiger patches can be sewn in the appropriate area. Have to find an
Army person to know where the "appropriate" place is for Insignia. Any
out there?
If so, maybe you can explain why the hat snaps on the left side? I am
told that it
is to clear the rifle at "attention arms", as the Aussies put the rifle
on the left
shoulder, and hold the but in the left hand. I was told this gem be an
Air Force Wing Commander at our office, but it doesn't sound right. The
rifle moves from
the attention position to the inspection position during the manual of
arms. This puts the
right hand on the rifle, and leaves the left hand free to open the bolt,
which is now against
the stomach. Well, what doe the Air Force know about rifles anyhow?


Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >
B9472289              < important in your life    >
                      < and don't let it get away!>

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