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Re: im looking to put a 351 in my tiger(long)

To: Joe Hankins <jhankins@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: im looking to put a 351 in my tiger(long)
From: Mark Fridenstine <laceyf@crosslink.net>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 12:21:38 -0400
I'll throw in my 2 cents worth. I think it's great what James has done with
cramming in a 351 into the Tiger. It certaninly makes for an interesting Tiger.
But does it go as FAST as the one I saw run the very low 10's in Maryland last
Oct?  I think if it was my Tiger 11, I would go with original as best as I
could. Why not put a 351 in a Pinto or an Alpine. The Tigers are the more
desired marque.  However, Modified often promotes more creativity and more
skills. And perhaps James had minimal to work with. The Tiger I bought 6+ years
ago was almost a parts car. But I had most of the pec. Believe me that was a
great help. Mine is now very original. And I'm proud of that fact. For my
thoughts I'd prefer a 289, and hop it up, if so desired. Let us know what you
plan to put in it when you decide.  Good Luck,       Mark F.

Joe Hankins wrote:

> I'm with Mike.  If the goal is to "crap in your pants", might I suggest that
> you take a triple dose of your favorite laxative.  Otherwise it borders on
> the criminal to hack up a Mark II when you could just as easily hack up
> something much less rare to produce the same result!
> Joe

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