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Re: The Crime

To: James Barrett <jamesbrt@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: The Crime
From: Steve Wickland <wickland@poseidontech.com>
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 1999 10:07:36 -0700
James Barrett wrote:

> Folks,
>         Thanks for all the support from the experts on
> criminal law of the Tiger.  I obviously need help to
> determine when I became the criminal.  Therefore I am
> going to list a few items I changed on my Tiger II
> that are not the absolute original factory parts on
> my Tiger II.

As a fellow criminal I probably have a jaded opinion
but yours is probably the car I would most like to see.
I've seen lots of stock and stockish cars that people
take to shows and they look good.  They sure don't
look fun to me though!  All the dollars and nitty
gritty detail, making sure the yellow stripe on the
booster hose is exactly the correct color.  Just doesn't
get my heart going.  Now leaving two rubber stripes
on the pavement to the roar of Ford V8 music, as
puerile as it is, always puts a smile on my face.

It is just a guess but I'll bet that there are allot more
criminals lurking on this list.  You better reserve an
entire cell block in case we all get caught hacksaw in

Steve W.

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