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Re: Wiring harness

Subject: Re: Wiring harness
From: Dave Fain <>
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 08:07:32 -0600 (MDT)
I am always amazed and amused when I watch a fellow 
Triumph owner carefully lock the doors when parking 
a Triumph convertible with the top up.  If somebody really 
wants to get into the car, I would just as soon make 
it easy for them and keep the top intact.

As for alarm systems, that little blinking LED is going 
to make a car thief stop and think, even if the top is 
down on the car.  Some alarm systems have motion sensors 
to protect convertibles.
1967 GT6 (with alarm and starter cutoff)

>Percy wrote ::
>Lastly, why anyone would put a theft alarm on a Triumph, >especially
>an open top car, is completely and utterly beyond comprehension.

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