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Re: Off topic....for sure!

Subject: Re: Off topic....for sure!
From: Don Malling <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 15:21:26 -0400
Randall wrote:

> Except for one great big item : it wouldn't run most DOS programs nor any
> (AFAIK) Win 3.x programs.  In order to go the Warp route, customers had to
> replace every single piece of software they owned, with software that in many
> cases didn't exist yet.  By contrast, Win 95 would run 9/10 of existing 
> (for a while at least).  Warp also had problems running on many non-IBM
> computers, while again Win 95 would run on 95% of machines (that met the 
> requirements for processor, RAM and hard drive).

Huh??? Where do you get this stuff???

Of course Warp ran DOS and Win 3.x programs. Ran them better than Win 95. I ran 
Warp on home built 
PC clones, and ran DOS and Win 3.x programs under Warp. Warp even came with a 
Win 3.11 installation 
package. It was a big selling point.

I remember one Win 95 book talking about Win 95's ability to run Win 3.11 and 
Dos programs. As an 
aside, the author noted "If you think that's impressive, you should see what 
OS/2 can do". 
Interesting I thought. I still have another pro Win 95 book that compares to 
two systems. It goes 
down the list and gives it all to OS/2, then concludes that Win95 is better 
because he likes the 
looks of the screen. What a deep thinker...

OS/2 was dead before it started, but not for technical reasons. Like I said 
pornography sells lots 
better than most other things. Says more about the buyers than the product...

> They almost never were in control.  All they ever had was the "No one ever got
> fired for buying IBM" effect ... as soon as that was gone, they had nothing
> left.  Anyone remember Microchannel ?  IBM's entire history with "personal
> computers" is a perfect example of how not to succeed in business.  Their 
> financing of Microsoft is especially ironic.

Yes there were some "arrogant know-it-alls" around at IBM. What could little 
Billy Gates do to the 
invincible IBM. But IBM doesn't have the corner on arrogant know-it-alls....

BTW, the reason people buy M$ crap is because everyone else buys it. Which is 
exactly why people 
bought IBM.

Don Malling

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