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Re: [TR] TR4A trailing arm shims

To: Jack Mc <> s=q20140121; t=1421035714; bh=N+0C6yWBgNufoX13+cl0GPhIBonYE6itqhz6kLGIuDY=; h=Received:Received:Mime-Version:Content-Type:Message-Id:From: Subject:Date:To; b=f7sr9Ue6+xMMOpOItMuVVauPBcGYR6DsZDCj3BmMcrK6koMyk/y5RsWT3aiSKYVKU x4WYDAmSQHVq+VfatKXL4tz/2iP4ES9iKKEp0gLRqUHAEgf8N2WNsBECIUCxe7LnqJ e2I7IjK5HrzJ3f2VAf2VCkdspiGRRQbS/JN3yY71Mm9gtnfdAcoV5jMT8GNnoDAHIt ABKWUFJQG1+SOBYEnD2GmzeJD/ATglHBepy7QwK64KFaeck/+2lm9WwRmgi7zTM1oU gm8s72TOHvaCQHIcbXUo4XR4XCBCxUSd383Qg3rtH6D3pIm7y+8K88lioXlYEtLwii aPaC4LKCa6ZoA==
Subject: Re: [TR] TR4A trailing arm shims
From: Anthony Rhodes <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 23:08:34 -0500
Cc: "" <>
References: <> <> <>

My bump stop dishes do not perfectly align with the bump stops, including all 
the original shims

My car has had no frame damage, and I think the shims are all original to the 

I did/do have trouble with clearance on the trailing arms.  On the first one, 
drivers side (left), I had only a little interference and a little dremel 
carbide burr grinding did the job

The other side was/is a bit of a problem.  The original installation of the 6 
studs was a bit off.  You can see that the bottom stud is well centered, but 
all the rest are slightly out of position, the circle is pivoted on that bottom 
stud by a little bit to the right.  This makes the left-most 2 studs 
excessively close to the inside edge (slight perforation of the inner thin wall 
when drilling for keenserts)

And it further reduces clearance on the right side by maybe 0.060".  This means 
there is a LOT of interference.  I

I thought I had everything just barely clearing on the bench.  I had the hub 
bolted very snugly and no palpable or audible interference was present.  
Mechanics blue showed no touching

So I installed the axle and trailing arm which is a pain in the neck because 
the axle limits downward excursion.  I got it all hooked up and all torqued 
except the 250ft-lb 1.25" nut.   As I then turned the axle, I could just barely 
hear and feel some interference!  Then it went away, but if I shoved hard on 
the hub, and twisted I could gets one real grinding.   So I took off the TA 
again and I need  to hit it with  a real die grinder tomorrow.  

I only need to remove a little more metal, but I will put some tape on the 
highest parts,:  the clip and, oddly, the edge closest to the wheel.  The tape 
will make sure I have enough clearance, more than just a thousandth.  I don't 
want to remove much metal, but I  going to shoot for about 0.010 (3 thicknesses 
of masking tape?)

I will need to be removing some metal from nearly 180 degrees to clear the 
clip, but only at the 3:00 position is it a significant amount. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 11, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Jack Mc <> wrote:

> Tony - 
> I am also installing GoodParts CV jointed axles on a IRS TR4A at the moment 
> and I found the same thing - I think there were 5 shims behind every bracket, 
> plus a couple of non-original smaller shims that must have been added at some 
> point for alignment. I have remounted the trailing arms with no shims (for 
> now) thinking I'd let the alignment shop sort out how many should be where, 
> but I have noticed the bump stop dish on the trailing arm on one side no 
> longer lines up with the bump stop on the body. 
> I haven't looked into that any further because I am distracted by a more 
> immediate problem: 
> The outer CV joint boot and boot clip are making contact with the trailing 
> arm - I've never had this problem on the many TR6s I've done this to - so I 
> measured and found the tunnel in the TR4A trailing to be smaller than any of 
> the TR6 trailing arms I have on hand - hard to quantify how much since these 
> tunnels taper, but looks like the TR4a trailing arm tunnels are a little over 
> 0.1 inch smaller in internal diameter. Have you encountered this? 
> As an aside, there are quite a few subtle differences between the TR4a 
> trailing arms and TR6 trailing arms - and the quality of casting looks better 
> with the TR4 trailing arms - the quality of casting got better during the TR6 
> model run, but these TR4 arms make early TR6 trailing arms look crude by 
> comparison. 
> Cheers,
> Jack Mc

** **


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