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Re: Modifications (was: RE: Mechanical Failures)

Subject: Re: Modifications (was: RE: Mechanical Failures)
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 11:22:20 EST
In a message dated 12/01/00 8:13:32 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> Bill, that's probably the car.  it was built by Dick Baker as a 
> "lightweight" (the thing is god-awful heavy to push, I'll tell you!) with 
> flip front, flip rear, heavily modified suspension and engine relocated 16" 
> back in the frame.  Dick re-purchased the car and completely restored it to 
> the way he personally built it way back when. 

Interesting car, but I don't think I'd have been doing that to a Twincam, 
even in the dark years when they were regarded as a pain!

 Dave and Nancy Turnbull 

> still run a Lotus 7 Mk1, with 948 A-series.  As a production car, anyone 
> else wanting to run one would have to run what it "came" with, or a period 
> appropriate and proven alternative.

A lot of early Loti were upgraded to run what could have been used later in 
the 60s and 70s. I'd just as soon see a Lotus owner be allowed to use a 1275, 
as have to spend money on special forged billet cranks and Accusumps, but to 
each his own.

Maybe my generous attitude stems from the fact that my MGA can 'top-end' just 
about any Lotus because of those air dams they call front fenders......


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