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Re: Girls in racing

To: "" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Girls in racing
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2001 09:39:53 -0400
>The big question I have to answer for myself as I go on is: will I be
>exposing her to this stuff for my benefit or am I just fulfilling her
>interest and providing her with a good day.  My wife has already given me
>the "she's not your little buddy" lecture.

I didn't reply before, as I have no daughters (or son's) and no prospects 
for any - don't really like children until they're old enough to move away 
from home (big :) ).  My idea of commitment to a dependant is to own a 
cat!  But I've seen some families at the race track that so totally go 
against the "she's not your little buddy" concept that I had to speak 
up.  Phil Lamont and his daughter Diana leapt straight to my mind.  If she 
doesn't think of her dad as her buddy and vice-versa, then I'm 
hornswoggled.  Hell, she busts tires for him - if that's not the action of 
a buddy, then I don't know what is!  Same goes with a number of 
father-daughter teams that I see in the pits at races.  No bets on who's 
driving either - the mix is about even as to father gets to wrench or 
drive.  To hell with the lecture - any day your daughter thinks you're her 
buddy has got to be a good day...

Brian Evans
Director, Canada
MCI Wholesale Internet Services

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