Re: My "New Car"

From: Jarrid Gross (Yorba Linda, CA) (GROSS(at)
Date: Thu Apr 10 1997 - 10:23:00 CDT

Tom writes,

>Depends on how much time and patience you have. I say get it running
and fix
>it as you go along. It is better to drive a running restoration than
to look
>at a "done right" restoration for 10 years like me. Tom

I agree 150%.

When I stripped the car down to bare metal, I found that I had totally
underestimated the amount of work involved, which actually led to

I ended up leaving the body alone, dissasembled this and that till I had
a real mess.

Finally I got re-motivated when I changed residence.

It took about a year to get the mess straightened out.

The whole ordeal took a lot of interest out of the project, and kept me
driving it for nearly two years.

Keep them mobile when restoring!

Jarrid Gross

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