
From: Daniel J. Levitin (levitin(at)interval.com)
Date: Wed May 21 1997 - 12:49:20 CDT

        Forgive my ignorance - what is a "sucker fan" that was discussed in
yesterday's posting. I assume it is a fan that draws air away from the
radiator rather than pushing air toward it, is that right?
        And Is the idea to mount this in front of (near the bumper) or
behind (between the radiator and the driver) the radiator?
        What is the advantage of being able to turn the fan on and off -
the stock fan goes all the time and apart from the noise, it seems like
this would be desirable, cooling-wise.

        Thanks in advance for any clarifications...

        Dan "also living in 100 degree California heat" Levitin

        1966 Series V Alpine

Daniel J. Levitin, Ph.D.
Interval Research Corp. levitin(at)interval.com
1801-C Page Mill Road Phone: 415/842-6236
Palo Alto, CA 94304 FAX: 415/354-0872


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