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Re: On line chat topic

To: "Ron Christensen" <>,
Subject: Re: On line chat topic
From: "LandSpeed Louise" <>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 13:24:20 -0800

>From a global perspective, your interpretation of the Bonneville NATIONAL
speed trials are correct.

Would that we could make the FIA pay more attention to records set on the
salt, perhaps the acrimony associated with its sanctioning might be avoided.
I do agree, however, that the FIA fee structure is outlandish with respect
to what it does. The process reminds of a college education -- pay a fee, do
the work and get a piece of paper.

Speedy Regards,

LandSpeed Louise Ann Noeth

LandSpeed Productions
Words / Pictures / Graphics / PR
"Against the ruin of the world,
there is only one defense -- the creative act!"

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