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Wendover weather

Subject: Wendover weather
From: Daniel Wright <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:49:10 -0600
Hi All
I have contacted the folks at the Dept. of Metrology here at the University 
of Utah, and let them know that their "live" weather camera at I-80 west of 
Wendover is not current.  It seems that particular camera is a Utah Dept. 
of Transportation camera.  (I think it's at the Weigh Station) They were 
unaware that it wasn't being updated as it's supposed to be.  they said 
they would get their web folks working on the problem, and hoped to have it 
functioning again "soon".
Dan Wright
Dept. of Human Genetics, University of Utah
Utah Salt Flats Racing Association
"It's amazing what you can do when you don't know it can't be done"

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