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Tars,aeroplane, part 2

Subject: Tars,aeroplane, part 2
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 21:47:05 EST
Got a lot of info on my original question re; proper air pressure for my 
recently acquired Goodyear aircraft-to-be-used as- LSR tires,thank you 
everybody.Now i find that the previous owners put a sealant in the assembled 
tire/wheel,apparently to stop air leakage which A.doesn't work,they leak at 
stud holes ,wheel center,screw holes,etc and B.clogs up the air valve. Due to 
the rigidity (14 plys) the wheels are alum alloy 2-piece rims that are put on 
the tire as opposed to getting the bead over the rim. My  question is how do 
i assemble these beasts? Is there a  miracle sealant that does work? O-rings? 
Any constructive suggestions? Halp!                                           
                        Bob Wanner ,awaiting divine intervention in my 
near-hillaryious  New Yuk  garage

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