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Re: freeze plugs or core plugs

Subject: Re: freeze plugs or core plugs
From: "A. B. Bonds" <>
Date: 15 Aug 1996 09:50:50 -0500
In <>,
>however the last time i had my machine shop put new freeze plugs in.  this
>time i have to do it.  i have looked in two different shop manuals and no
>hints on how this is accomplished so i must be the only person in the world
>who does not know. my best guess is line them up and hit them with a hammer,
>but i only want to do this repair one time.
Put a bead of Permatex gasket goo (I prefer #2 to RTV, but here it is
of less consequence) around the rim of the plug.  Make sure that the
seat in the block is thoroughly clean (another use for those
six-for-99 cents Chinese screwdrivers).  Push plug onto seat.  Whack
with hammer until a noticeable dimple is present.  I use the "suitable
drift" of legend here to control exactly where the strike lands.  You
want a blunt instrument situated square in the middle of the dome.
                        A. B. Bonds

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