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Re: [Non-MG] Re: This list being used for solicitations?

To: Larry Macy <>
Subject: Re: [Non-MG] Re: This list being used for solicitations?
From: Kai Radicke <>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 1997 18:07:16 -0400
>I have to admit you have a point. On the other hand I hate changing ISP's 
>to avoid spam. I never respond or partake or nutin' But I still get it. 

Why don't you just change email addresses and stay with the same ISP?  Or
better yet why not use an address that you can easily change that forwards
you list mail to you real box?  Called an alias address.  You can change
Alias addresses on the fly.
>the Comm Decency Act (Can you say Crash and Burn?) How much power do you 
>wish to give to the ISP's to regulate what goes into yopur inbox. I would 
>rather the greedy no accounts that send this crap over what limited 
>bandwidth we have be shut down then allow some pimply faced teenager in 
>the back room of an ISP to decide wht I see and do not. 

Remember that it is in the ISPs best interest to block spam.  It *DOES*
take a toll on their machines.  It is the ISP's network, it is the ISP's
servers, it is the ISP's space.  It is much easier to block SPAM from
getting in than trying to stop SPAM going out.  And I wouldn't consider it
"deciding what you see", it isn't like that teenager goes thru your email
and deletes the way.

Unfortunately like I said you can't stop outbound SPAM, you can stop
inbound SPAM.  The reason, because companies like AGIS support SPAMers...

And companies like Digex, PIL, Net Access, and ICC have very good anti-spam
policies.  Last week Atlantic.Net (ICC) stopped Quantcum from sending
thousands of spams from a dial-up account, and I applaud them for that...

>Or just use the delete key

I do that 70 times a week for another address...


Kai Radicke -  

"I like most MS apps except the ones I think Suck" - me

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