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Re: The VickyBrit Attitude.

To: Kai Radicke <>
Subject: Re: The VickyBrit Attitude.
From: Charley & Peggy Robinson <>
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 10:26:03 -0500
 I've noticed a funny thing about this list.  If someone write a msg
about how bad a certain parts business is, other people jump on the
bandwagon about their bad experiences with the same business.  If
someone writes about how GOOD a business is and nobody comments.  

  A case in point:  I wrote about how Vicky Brit  allowed me to return a
Crane ignition and gave me a full refund a year after the original
transaction was made.  Nobody commented, on the list or in private.  

  Now someone else comes along and uses his interpretation of excerpts
from a Heritage article to badmouth Vicky Brit.  No matter that Vicky
Brit rolled out the red carpet for the Heritage bunch,  What's the
result?  Four more people jump on the badmout bandwagon.  One guy
complains that he doesn't feel comfortable with VB after talking to them
on the phone!  This guy doesn't like Moss for the same reason! Go

  I have had, fast courteous service from VB.  I've also had the same
from Moss and others.  Why can't we focus on the GOOD things instead of
dwelling on the bad?

  Charley Robinson
  '69 B

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