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Re: Anybody notice a lot of hostility in the air lately?

To: "James H. Nazarian, Ph.D." <>
Subject: Re: Anybody notice a lot of hostility in the air lately?
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 19:36:03 -0700
A corollary to this, surely, is the lack of manners shown by so many people
who ask specific questions, or request specific information, and never even
take the trouble to hit "Reply", type "TNX" and then hit "Send" when someone
has taken the time to post a detailed answer. I'm sure I'm not alone in
wondering what happened to the basic good manners of "please" and "thank

British Sportscar Center

-----Original Message-----
From: James H. Nazarian, Ph.D. <>
Cc: MG List <>
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 1:11 PM
Subject: Anybody notice a lot of hostility in the air lately?

>This is a great hobby we share. But could we turn down the angry
>control? If we all wrote like we could bump into the recipient tomorrow
>at a car show the tone of some discussions would become much more
>friendly. Of course, that's just my !@#$%^&*+ opinion.
>Jim (the old guy)
>BTW, this is recognized now as "normal" internet chat behavior
>attributable to the facelessness of our correspondents.

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