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Re: New British Car club

To: "Edwin McCarroll" <>, "MG List"
Subject: Re: New British Car club
From: Steve Morris <>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 10:24:06 -0400
On 4/13/01 8:39 AM, Edwin McCarroll  <> wrote:

>Read about new club in Panama City, Fla. and the associated 
>birthing/growing pains.   We started our club in NW Ohio two years ago and 
>are planning our third show event for June 3.    We have obtained a 
>permanent site for the show and will hold it there in June.   We have also 
>established a newsletter and each event we have held (two per year) gives 
>us more experience to ensure the following event runs a bit more smoothly. 
>  The one problem we can't seem to overcome is getting enough vendors to 
>attend.   We notify a selected number well in advance of our events but 
>don't receive a good response.   I know that these vendors likely plan 
>their calendar very early for each season, but it is like pulling teeth to 
>get one or two to agree to come.   Any suggestions on what we might doing 
>wrong or to improve the response?    I would have thought the vendors 
>would have seen this as an opportunity.   We are expecting at least 100 
>cars weather permitting.

So Ed? Where, and what are the details. My schedule only has a show in 
Perrysburg that weekend. Is that you? I wrote to the address for info 
last month, but never got a reply.

The Lorain County British Car Club doesn't have anything for that 
weekend, either, so if I could get some info before 4/25, I can announce 
it at the meeting.

Reply if you need a snail mail address for brochures. I'll be out of town 
for the next few days, but I'll check the email.


Steve Morris     Avon, Ohio
1958 MGA 1500    Red/Black
NAMGAR #5987     BuckAyes Ohio Chapter
LoCo Brits       <mailto:>

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