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Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?

To: "Bill Dudley" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Anyone want a '67 MGB for 15K? How about 17K?
From: "Mike Razor" <>
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 15:21:42 -0400
Went to an auction because there was a 53 TD being offered. It was the
only car among many personal effects. They started the bidding at
$50,000 and it dropped from there.  It must have had a pretty high
reserve.  Had it sold anywhere near that I would have run home and
sold mine (which was in much better condition) for half and been glad
to take the "loss".  It did not sale and the owners still have it and
refuse to back off on the price.  My guess is somebody may have stuck
them with it at a very high price.
Mike R

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