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Re: [oletrucks] valve adjustment

To: MASK4335@aol.com
Subject: Re: [oletrucks] valve adjustment
From: Chris Dillon <dillo021@tc.umn.edu>
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 1999 08:44:34 -0600
Well I'll show my ignorant 2 cents.  Some old time rodders told me and showed me
how to adjust valves while running and I use it all the time.  I loosen the
rocker until it begins to clack and the turn it 3/4 of turn tight and you ready
to go.  Tighten less if your valves are beginning to recess.  I've used this
method on 15 V-8 and 3 straight 6s.  and have not blow up a motor yet.  I was
also told its best to be a little loose than tight.  I also stop the engine
count the number of turns to remove the nut off the rocker and clean the threads
add lock tight and put the nut back on to the specified # of turns.  I know the
old 6's had keepers, but the usually break off on me.  Just my method use it or
lose it.

Chris Dillon

'51 Chevy 3100 ROD
'66 Mustang STOCK

oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959

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