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Re: I give up

To: "James Pickard" <geowiz@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Re: I give up
From: Tom Hall <modtiger@home.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 23:29:08 -0700
At 10:51 PM 8/12/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>I've got a tach rebuilt by MoMa and I'm running a Pertronics ignition.  The
>Pertronics is great, but the tach only functions properly to 3000 rpm.  Above
>that it falls back to zero.  I know I'm not the only one on this list with
>this problem.  I sent the tach back to MoMa, who checked it out, pronounced it
>fine, then forwarded it to Pertronics.  Pertronics returned the tach with two
>diodes to add in series to the wire between the tach and the coil.  Without
>the diodes, the tach works as before (only works to 3000 rpm).  With the
>diodes, the tach doesn't work at all.
>So I give up.  I'm tired of screwing with this.  Give me some options here.  I
>won't go back to points, but I'll change from the Pertronics to something
>else.  Or I'll change tachs as long as it looks stock.  Money isn't an issue.
>What combinations work well?
>Jim Pickard

         If your not in a position that you need the Tach working next 
week, we may be able to do you some good.  I note that Bob Palmer mentioned 
Theo in his response to you.  I guess it's a small world, cause Theo, in 
Canada, Gary Winblad,  Mark Olson, Kevin Meek and I, in California, are 
attempting to finalize the design of a replacement tachometer 
circuit.  This new circuit is designed to allow the OEM Tachs to function 
with either the current trigger (read points or similar) or any of the new 
electronic ignition systems.  Theo and Gary have working prototypes, and we 
expect to try these circuits in other systems very soon.  All of us have 
used the capacitance coupling to try and make the OEM unit work, and they 
do for a while.  Then they eventually give up the ghost and quit for 
reasons that are not clear.

         When the design is finalized, Kevin and I will be creating some 
custom circuit boards for a production run.  This board should fit in the 
OEM case and will simply replace the older electronics.  We anticipate we 
can do this without even having to pop the indicator needle off the 

         I don't have a schedule for any availability but we recognized 
this growing failure problem quite a while ago and started real discussion 
and prototype work about 3 months ago.  We also haven't worked up any cost 
information for the final product nor how we are going to distribute them, 
so as you can see, we have a ways to go.  But we do share your pain with 
the OEM Tach!

Tom Hall

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