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Re: TR250...Help!

To: "T. O. Miller" <>,
Subject: Re: TR250...Help!
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 00:40:01 -0500
T.O.M., I think you made the right choice. $8500 sounds high given your 
description of the car. Not to discourage you, but I looked for about a year
before I found my TR3. Now, before I'm accused (again!) of taking WAY too
long to find a car, I have to say that I know other Listers who seem to
treat buying TRs as if they were buying spare fan belts! No names

I've seen many offers of assistance for just what you're asking. One lister
was going to look at one for me (about 2000 mi away), but it sold before he
got there. I'd never met him (still haven't), but he was willing. Just
ask...chances are, someone will offer to help. I doubt that many of us would
suggest that you actually BUY the car based solely on our opinion after a
quick look-see, but in the case of this particular 250, someone would have
mentioned the sloppy paint job, poor frame repair and rust - even without
driving it!

Lastly, don't feel guilty about asking for help. Aside from the wise-cracks
and bad jokes (mine included, obviously) that's what the list is here for!
Good luck in your search. Be patient...your car is out there.

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A

>From: "T. O. Miller" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: TR250...Help!
>Date: Mon, Nov 29, 1999, 9:25 PM

> Thought I had a TR250 for myself, but when I went to look at it I found the
> frame to have been sloppily repaired and rust still in abundance. The
> differential was dripping visibly while on the lift. My wife and I took
> turns driving it so we could both get the "feel" of it and then listen as
> well. It made some very scary sounds and shudders from the rear. The current
> owner was firm on the asking price of $8500 and it did not seem to be a
> bargain. In took the advice of the TR250 data I found on the net and walked
> away (as much as that hurt). Did this seem like a fair price? The interior
> was in fair condition. And the repaint was generally nice but sloppy in
> places.
> Is there any sort of networking capabilities where someone could look at a
> car for another if it is too far away to get to easily? I have a few more
> leads on some 250's but none unfortunately within easy commuting distance.
> How does one consider a purchase from afar?
> Sorry for all the questions but this is new to me and I'm trying not to be
> impulsive or stupid about this.
> Thanks for any and all advice.
> Best,
> T.O.M.

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