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Re: Winter Storage / Fuel Drain

To: "Stephen Peca" <>, "Robert J Carley" <>
Subject: Re: Winter Storage / Fuel Drain
From: Rodney Orr <>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:34:34 -0700
Here in Edmonton, my TR6 gets usually parked from early November until
April - although this year it was out by mid-March!  About placing the car
on jackstands, I did it a couple of years ago, but then went out in
mid-January to lower it back onto the tires after reading that there is a
real danger to warping or bending the frame unless things are set just
right.  I have no idea how big a risk it is, but it seems logical enough to
me not to do it.  Besides, I've never had problems with flat-spotted tires.  
About draining the fuel, I'd say its more important to keep the tank as
full as possible to minimize any condensation that may form on exposed
metal in a less-than-full tank - especially in climates where the
temperature will fluctuate around freezing.  I don't usually add a fuel
stabilizer, although this year I have.  I've never had problems come spring
- just install the battery and it fires right up.
Rod.  '70 TR6  CC55899L

At 07:29 AM 30/11/99 PST, Stephen Peca wrote:
>I'm probably OK with air pressure since I didn't touch do anything.  
>By the way, I realize this is a debatable topic, but I do not plan to raise
>the car (tires) off the ground for Winter storage.  The fellow I bought the
>car from (in Duluth, MN where it is much colder in Winter than Chicago) kept
>the car in an unheated garage without raising the car and had no
>"flatspotting" on the tires.  Comments?
>Steve Peca
>Wheaton, Illinois
>1958 TR3A - TS23867L
>On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:16:20 -0500 (EST), Robert J Carley wrote:
>> While you are worrying about the gas expanding in the fuel tank when
>> Spring comes, don't forget about the air in the tires - it will
>> also expand.
>> Robert Carley
>> 73 TR6

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