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Re: TR4A Wiper Motor

To: "Randall" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: TR4A Wiper Motor
From: "Gerald M Van Vlack" <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 17:07:20 -0400
OK I just checked the motor on my car.
Part number is as Randall has found 75568A and says DR3A too.
3 wires from motor to wiring harness. Ground wire from wiring harness to
back plate via an attachment at one of the mounting bolts that hold the
whole thing to the body. No ground wire as a part of the 3 wire motor

----- Original Message -----
From: "Randall" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:49 PM
Subject: RE: TR4A Wiper Motor

> >        I had been told by a restorer/National Judge of Triumphs that the
> > two-speed wiper motor which was originally in my car was "not correct"
> > that it
> > should be a single-speed. The Moss UK catalogue says it should be a
> > DR3, two-speed.  I've also been told that the two-speed is right but the
> > #
> > would have been DR3A, not the DR3 model as per Mossb&..could someone
> > help me out as to what the correct speed, model# and if  possible Lucas
> > should be on a 4A wiper motor?
> My 1967 Lucas catalog lists only a DR3A, Lucas P/N 75568A, which I assume
is a
> 2-speed wiper.  Bill Piggott agrees that the 2-speed DR3A was standard on
> optional on TR4.
> > Also, how many leads out would a two-speed have?
> I believe there are 3 leads, and the case serves as ground.  Could be
> about that, though, the ground might be a separate lead (making 4).
> Randall

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