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Re: exhaust pipe joint splitter

To: Walt Philipson <WaltP@Anspach.com>
Subject: Re: exhaust pipe joint splitter
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 15:08:38 -0500 (EST)
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Walt Philipson wrote:

> I'm looking for a tool that can pull exhaust pipe joints apart. I know I've
> seen them recently, but I can't remember where. I thought Harbor Freight,
> but that's not it. It looks like two clamps. They clamp on either side of
> the joint, and then jack-screws push the clamps apart, which pulls the pipes
> apart. Anyone know where I can find them? Any other suggestions?

There's no substitute for HEAT in this process.

I always use oxy-acetylene. The job will be done in two minutes, barring
the need for the fire extinguisher. Don't laugh. All the grease and crap
under your TR6 is quite flammable indeed.

Note: it's best to do this job with two workers, one to heat and the other
to pull/twist the pipes apart (and alternately work the fire extinguisher
as needed).

But heat is best for two reasons, it's fast and there's a pretty good
chance you can re-use the parts. If you clamp anything to your pipes, then
all bets are off. For example, if you've clamped down hard with a muffler
clamp, then the "blue flame" is the only solution short of cutting things
apart (which is justified in a lot of cases).

Side note: we all clamp the muffler clamps too tight. Next time you try to
get things apart you spend waaaaay to much time getting them apart. What
I've been doing lately is have flanges welded on the joints so that I can
easily seperate the pipes when I have to. I remove my differential alot.
Boy is that job easy when there's no pipes in the way!!!!
> Walt Philipson
> waltp@anspach.com

Good luck!

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
Consultant            MIT unix-vms-help        |
Voice:617-253-7438    FAX: 617-258-9535        |

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