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RE: Short People

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Short People
From: "Ellingson, George A (MED)" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 14:15:17 -0500
I'm sorry, but this is where I have trouble giving a rats a$$ about this
stuff.  Do you people actually BELIEVE that if someone removed their
mirror or visors, you would have to do the same thing in order to
"remain competitive"?  This from among competitors who differ in
personal weight from one another by up to 150 lbs or so?  

Maybe only fat guys (or gals) should be allowed to remove their mirror.

George Ellingson
Semi-fat guy

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Sirota []
> I'll also bring up the age-old argument that if you make it legal to
> remove visors or mirrors, then everyone will have to do so in order to
> remain competitive.  Not a big cost item, but do we want to introduce
> yet another difference between top Stock category cars and similar
> cars as they are seen on the street?
> Mark

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