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Re: Peru NTEntry List Update?

Subject: Re: Peru NTEntry List Update?
From: Stephen Bernard <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 17:27:03 -0400
> Ok, I was going to keep my mouth shut on this, but I can't.  I am the
> one who sends the list to the web, and we do it weekly until the 
> last
> week before an event and then we do an addition listing on Wednesday
> and Friday if a lot of changes occur. I was not on vacation last 
> week
> but working hard at an event.  I do try to keep you net junkies well
> fed, but every time an entry comes it is excessive.  Please try to
> remember that a small number of folks are doing a lot of work and
> most of us have real jobs as well.
> I believe I do my job efficiently even though you may not.

I think you need to get paid some of the $$$$$$$ that the new CEO is
being paid. At least we know you are working for it. :)

Steve Bernard
Red '99 Miata (B-Stock)
NER Region (Novice Class)


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