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Re: Peru NTEntry List Update?

Subject: Re: Peru NTEntry List Update?
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 11:07:46 -0400
> I believe I do my job efficiently even though you may not.

Paula Whitney works her butt off for significantly less than $300K a
year.  Maybe she could use an assistant, but she certainly doesn't need
whining from us about when things are updated.  This year, results have
been up so fast that the webmaster who handles the "What's New" posting
can't keep up.  That is super work from Paula in my book.  Not only that,
she is one of the nicest and most helpful people at any autocross.

What's the concern about the entry list anyway?  Want to know if you are
entered?  Check your mailed confirmation card.  Hmm, you didn't get one? 
Is that because you procrastinated and entered late?  And now you want
SCCA to be more efficient to make up for your inefficiency?  You can
always give them a call to check on your status...  Want to know who else
is entered?  You going to plan on driving slower if Hotshoe X in your
class isn't there?  It's a Tour, not a Pro, so you won't be bumped.  And
it usually changes at the event anyway with folks who REALLY
procrastinate or can't make it at the last minute.

SCCA's use of funds to keep Paula on board are one of the very best uses
of membership dues anywhere.  Let's not start drumming the wrong drum

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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